Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Is Sleeping on Floor Bed is Good or Bad?

Floor bed yes or no?

Certainly floor beds or low beds aren't for everyone. The older folk would find them uncomfortably low and hard on the knees, but young parents with a toddler will remove the fear of the baby rolling off a high bed. As with everything, there are advantages and drawbacks with the style. If you are thinking of heading that route, here are the pros and cons listed for practicality and style both.

Easy On The Pocket

This may look like a no brainer, but a simple mattress on the floor is less expensive than a formal bed frame! You can choose to do without the bed frame and the headboard or retain the headboard to construct the look of a bed without an elevated frame. It'll be cool on the pocket if you've just spent on a new apartment and are being judicious with your finances. That said, floor beds are not a formal look, and may not suit all style themes. You can customise home interior design as per requirement.

Kid Friendly

Floor beds are a wonderful option for the kid’s room to motivate them to roll around and play without sharp-edged corners and hard surfaces to cause injury. If you have a toddler in the house, floor beds reduce the fear of the baby rolling off the bed from a height as specified before. In fact floor beds are advised as an option to cribs in the Montessori Method. Even though the low elevation is a plus for kids, it's a major negative for the Old folk or disabled as the low height is a strain on already stressed joints like the knees and hips

Stay Cool

In a tropical climate sleeping nearer to the floor is cooler because the area nearby to the floor is the coolest in a room as heated air rises. This is a much more fine application of the basic law of physics that is used to lift hot air balloons! The warm air in your room will naturally increase to be replaced by cooler air, therefore the lower the elevation of your body while you sleep, the cooler the area. A floor bed could help decrease your air conditioning bills in the summer!


Floor beds fit right in with the new modern living vibe in the decor world. Subjective to your taste, you can choose an angular low slung frame or a mattress on the floor. A minimal look is quintessential perfect for a compact apartment as an uncluttered space feels larger than an overly decorated option. 

Save Space

A floor bed is multipurpose and flexible if you need the space for kids to play area or a home office all you have to do is roll it away and you have vacant room space to do as you please. A floor bed can also be a good option for a spare bedroom as you can turn it into a guest room when you need to while using it every day as a home office area with the bed rolled up. 

Visual Clarity

Floor beds take up less visual space, therefore, making a room look larger as more space is free or unoccupied. A large bed frame can make a room look overfull and claustrophobic. Resist the temptation to buy a conventional bed for a small room instead opts for a mattress on the floor or for a low bed frame.

Environment Savvy

A floor bed uses fewer materials, even if you opt for a minimal low slung frame, the materials required to manufacture it will be less than a conventional bed frame. Fewer materials equal a smaller carbon footprint! So a floor bed is better for the environment too.
If you have chosen to ditch your conventional bed, at the least, you'll be choosing something diverse in style-wise, and with the list above you'll be able to make an informed decision.
Contact for bedroom designs in mumbai.